
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rolling marble painting

With the weather warming up here in Sydney-finally!, its all about painting, making up for lost time during winter maybe?
First use a tray with high sides (we used a roasting tray), place your paper flat down and add blobs of your favourite colours
Add your marbles-we used four
And start moving your tray, across long ways
And back and forward side ways
Finished artwork....


  1. You weather is starting to warm and soon ours will be cooling down! I love marble painting and putting it in a pan like this is a great way to make it a very independent activity!

  2. It would appear marble painting is popular the world over ... and you've got to love that!

    Donna :) :)

  3. Love this, love the way you use the outdoors in your teachable moments.

  4. I love marble painting! The ideas in your other posts are great too. I've recently found your blog and am looking forward to reading future posts. I've given you the Versatile Blogger Award at my following post:
