
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Glow Water

Want to make glow water but you don't have a black light?? This method creates a great glow in the dark effect even in daylight. Grab a yellow highlighter and snap it open to reveal the sponge which holds the dye Take this sponge out and cut the plastic open.

Place the sponge in a jar of water, put the lid on and let it soak for 24 hours, shake it every so often. The effect is amazing.It truly glows. The more highlighters we added the more vibrant it became. This glow water is purely water and highlighter ink so it is non toxic to play with and will wash off hands.

The options are endless with glow water,check out our other posts for a few things we created with it


  1. All your glow stuff is really cool, Kate! I Tweeted on it.

  2. This is such a crazy cool idea. I haven't tried it yet but think it looks like great fun.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Karen, we found the "glow" never faded. We used the water for play dough and it was still glowing when we threw it out as it was getting old. Enjoy!
