
Thursday, August 30, 2012

DIY chalkboard lunchbox

I purchased one of these lovely old fashioned stainless steel lunchbox tins with dinosaurs which seems to be Mason's favourite at the moment but you can source them easily and cheaply on eBay. I coated the inside of the lid with two layers of plain chalkboard paint which i found at bunnings. I let each layer set outside for a 24 hours and i also let the tin air outside for a week before wiping down with vanilla fridge cleaner to be sure the chalkboard smell was gone. I also use a clear lunchbox inside my tin to hold the food just to keep the chalk dust away from his food but when he opens his lunch now i am able to send him a little message of love without wasting paper notes and an added bonus with tin lunchboxes is you can add magnets for them to keep busy when finished lunch. Great way to help "theme" up your lunchbox for school...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,

    Got your email! (been rereading already like 5 times ;) Would love to meet up for a playdate. I will write you email with some potential dates. Yeah, me too, so glad to meet you. It doesn't feel real that we DID indeed come across. So Excited!!

