With Shrove Tuesday last month we celebrated with our usual round pancakes but i had noticed a few products on the market that could help you make shaped pancakes. The products looked great but they were way overpriced so i searched my local Coles and found a Decor brand sauce bottle http://www.decor.com.au/usage/viewproducts.aspx?id=577to try and replicate my own.
It worked perfectly. The mixture was thin enough to get out easily but thick enough to make delicious heart shaped pancakes that surprised Tara in her lunchbox for morning tea!
"Would you like to make play dough today?" ......"Yes, please! Can it be lilac and sparkly?".....Not the answer i thought i would get but i shouldn't be surprised this little fairy loves anything girly.Tara made her average play dough recipe then added a slight purple colour and some purple glitter. It looked quite pretty in the end. I forgot to get another photo but there were plenty of stars, wands and butterflies made.
Glowsticks are everywhere in our house! We love them but we never usually open them...until now!To make a jar of fireflies all you need is a jar of any size,thin glowsticks and glitter
Use scissors to cut the end off a glowstick, do this over a bin as it is messy and glowsticks do contain glass fragments so best to do this away from children. Open a glass jar and shake the opened glowstick into the jar. Banging it against one side of the jar to the other will give a splattered effect. I used three glowsticks in my big jar in different colours. Then add some sprinkle glitter into the jar, trying to get it to stick on the sides over the glowstick fluid.Tighten the lid or silicone it closed if using these with younger children. These will last 6-8 hours so we did ours in the afternoon and then used them as nightlights at bedtime while the children read stories about fireflies. Great for camping or sleepovers too!
Need an easy solution to having to constantly ask your children "Did you remember to wash your hands?"
Just add Lego! Great motivation for those early toilet training days and with winter fast approaching keeping those cold and flu germs away!
The parts needed to make this simple activity may already be in home! A small plastic bottle with a lid and a peg(the old fashioned dolly shaped ones are best)I first showed Mason how to twist off the lid of the bottle,put it aside, pick up the peg and place it through the hole in the bottle, then pick up the lid and twist back on.Breaking down the process is vital for Masons age, sometimes as adults we rush things and forget to explain the process of how to do things step by step but this activity shows how a simple activity has a process and needs to be done in order.
I love activities like this that help with focus and process, not only does mason learn life skills but it also teaches mummy to slow down and enjoy these special years of our children's lives.