We had this frangipani mirror from my teenage years stored in our shed and i had been thinking of what i could use it for. Tara has been very excited about her dress ups lately so i thought id let her decorate a mirror to go in her dress up area of our work room. We started by using a chisel and hammer to remove the frangipani's and saved them for another activity prop.
Tara asked for sparkles as well so she finished it off with some glittery paint and it dried in the sun until.....the wind came up and it fell,smashing the mirror into pieces :(
I think i was more upset than Tara. We had spent all morning preparing and all afternoon painting.Trying to be environmental and reuse instead of purchase and yet it all amounted to nothing. It took me a few minutes to realise that not only had i enjoyed a glorious day with my daughter, making memories and sharing a special mother daughter bond, she had also mastered a new skill of sticky taping alone and we shared the disappointment of things not always being the way that we want them to be and as the Montessori method teaches the importance is on the process not the product!
Ohhhhhhhh! I am so sorry to read that the mirror came crashing down! At least you captured the moments through photo - they will last and last:)