Mimijumi Bottles
We are big believers of the benefits of breast milk, the research is out there! If you can.....BREAST IS BEST!!
While some mums find it hard, some find it flawless, there is usually a time when our breasts need a break. Whether you be going back to work, need a date night with your partner or simply just want to include the siblings in feeding time then you will be looking for a great bottle!
When we bought our first set of bottles 7 years ago, i remember doing everything by the book- Try one feed in the fortnight to get baby used to the bottle, get someone other than mum to feed baby so baby can't smell mums milk, walk/jiggle or take baby outside to distract while using bottle so they can't notice it isn't the breast.
WELL, we did ALL this and still our newborn would not take the bottle which left me the milk lady needing to be available every meal time for her for the next 2 years!
Needless to say by the time we had our next baby 3 years later, i did some more research and hunted out the best (most expensive) bottle on the market which had claimed to be so similar to breastfeeding. Well if my breasts where clear and blue and plastic tasting then maybe they were but Mr newborn didn't take to them at all! So once again i was left to be beside him 24/7 for two years to feed him from my breast.
FINALLY this time we found a winner! Mimijumi have given me the ability to get the groceries done alone while hubby is at home with a Mumijumi full of nutritious breast milk and given our older kids the bonding time with their little brother to feel like they are included with the new addition to the family.
I could go on about the BPA free, anti colic, Latex free, EA free basically TOXIN FREE health benefits but less face it-It only is a great bottle if baby will take to it and after 3 babies and no bottles that could fool our precious ones-WE FINALLY FOUND IT WITH MIMIJUMI!!!
Check out the Mimijumi website for a wealth of knowledge on feeding your baby and where you can snap up these bottles that 9/10 fussy babies enjoy!